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Get the Key To Cross Device Abandoned Cart Recovery

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing


Got device hopping shoppers? The average consumer owns a smartphone, desktop, tablet, plus work devices that they can and will shop from. Customers who fill their carts on one device often end up buying on another. But if the cart is not recoverable across devices, odds are good they’ll abandon it.  That’s why Remarkety introduced its game-changing Cross-Device Cart Recovery.

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7 ideas for how to improve your marketing automation strategy – Coronavirus times

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing
7 ways to improve your marketing automation strategy

When the pandemic struck in March, businesses had to quickly adjust their marketing strategy from standard spring fare to
crisis communication. But now that the post-Memorial Day summer season has begun, customers have grown weary of that refrain. It’s time to get your automated communication on track to deliver what customers want to hear from you now.  Read More

3 Simple Steps to Build Brand Loyalty

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Brand loyalty is a tricky thing. Most companies think that all you need is a good product or service and you are golden! The world is your oyster! Wrong!

Ok, maybe that was the mindset 50 years ago. Fast forward to the present and you will see that loyalty isn’t as easy to obtain as it once was. The problem? The internet has increased competition and the consumer is price savvier than ever. So, as an eCommerce business what can do you do to build and preserve your brand loyalty?

Follow us for the answers…

3 Easy Ways to Build Brand Loyalty
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eCommerce Email Marketing Best Practices

By Email Marketing, News

Need a crash course on eCommerce email marketing best practices? Good thing you’re here.ecommerce email marketing 101 best practices banner

Remarkety was invited to speak at WeWork about the best practices for email marketing, types of behavioral eCommerce emails and tracking email ROI.

You can flip through the full deck here.

While people may not view email as more exciting than Pinterest or Facebook or Instagram, email is used a lot.

WSJ reported people at work check their email 74 times a day on average.

That’s not all. Read More