Three little words define yearly delight for both parents and marketers: back to school. The challenge this year is defining what that means in practical terms when the persistence of the pandemic prevents us from getting back to normal. Though it’s not marked as an event on a calendar, shopping for back to school ranks right behind holiday shopping. The National Retail Foundation (NRF) calls it “retail’s second biggest spending event of the year.”
Got device hopping shoppers? The average consumer owns a smartphone, desktop, tablet, plus work devices that they can and will shop from. Customers who fill their carts on one device often end up buying on another. But if the cart is not recoverable across devices, odds are good they’ll abandon it. That’s why Remarkety introduced its game-changing Cross-Device Cart Recovery.
When the pandemic struck in March, businesses had to quickly adjust their marketing strategy from standard spring fare to crisis communication. But now that the post-Memorial Day summer season has begun, customers have grown weary of that refrain. It’s time to get your automated communication on track to deliver what customers want to hear from you now. Read More
Should you stick with email or put all your marketing eggs in the SMS basket? You don’t have to choose just one when planning your marketing campaign. Use both together to optimize your reach and results. Read More
When it comes to customer communication, you want to be timely, clear, direct, and concise. That’s what SMS Marketing allows you to do.
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To help marketers find their way, we’d like to share a short interview with Joel Presman, GM and co-founder of Remarkety, who — like most of us — has had to adapt to working from home. Read More
As email marketers, some of the bigger obstacles we face are spam filters and folders. That’s why we designed the following infographic – how to avoid email spam filters and folders.Download infographic here.
In most cases, spam filters are really good at their job. But what if they make a mistake? Or what if you’re triggering the spam filter and don’t even know it? Read More
Need a crash course on eCommerce email marketing best practices? Good thing you’re here.
Remarkety was invited to speak at WeWork about the best practices for email marketing, types of behavioral eCommerce emails and tracking email ROI.
You can flip through the full deck here.
While people may not view email as more exciting than Pinterest or Facebook or Instagram, email is used a lot.
WSJ reported people at work check their email 74 times a day on average.
That’s not all. Read More
This genius slogan was once created for a genius product, the Ronco Rotisserie Oven. The chant “Set it and forget it!” reverberated through the studio audience with a little help from Ronco inventor Ron Popeil.
This whole “set it and forget it” chant is also perfectly applicable to the eCommerce world. More specifically, automated emails. Now I know what you’re thinking to yourself.
How could I ever compare to Ron Popeil?
And the answer is, you can’t. With those pale blue eyes, winning smile and mind for invention, there’s really no comparison.
We can’t all be Popeils. But we CAN take a page from his book and use four email marketing campaigns that live up to his mantra. Read More