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Remarkety BlogeCommerce email marketing trends, data and research

Remarkety Blog

eCommerce email marketing trends, data and research


The importance of email sign-ups and data collection

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

email marketingEmail marketing is a low-cost, yet hugely successfully revenue-generator, marketing tool that delivers a high ROI for eCommerce businesses. Research has proven the more marketers can track, analyze and personalize, the more effective this tool becomes. Email has been reported as being the most popular and powerful communication tool amongst eCommerce businesses due to its ability to get the right message to the right consumer and the right moment in time. Of course, email marketing is only possible if you capture consumers’ email details.

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Spice Up your eCommerce Automated Email Messages

By Email Marketing

ecommerce email messagesLet’s talk about livening up your eCommerce emails. If all you know about your customers is their name then let’s be honest, your email will be nothing more than a boring sales pitch. Collecting static information about your consumers, such as their name, address and email address really doesn’t give you (all) the information required to send a kick-butt email.

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Using Emojis in Email Subject Lines

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

emoji for emailEvery so often in marketing, a new trend creeps up that no one is really certain about such as Emojis. For some, jumping on the trend yields great results; for others, not so much. Blogs and articles start to appear for both sides of the argument and, before you know it, the trend has passed! It’s companies that are able to ride these types of short-term waves (before they pass) that have success.

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