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Remarkety BlogeCommerce email marketing trends, data and research

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eCommerce email marketing trends, data and research


Product Recommendations – The Key to Cross-Sales and Up-Sales

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

eCommerce consumers come and go, its just the nature of the business, or is it? With eCommerce tools such as Remarkety, you can now hold on to your consumers for longer with enticing automated and personalized emails.

The key to your success? Dynamic product recommendations. Want to learn how you can increase your customer lifetime value in just one simple step? Then read on…

product recommendations

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eCommerce Email Marketing Abandoned Cart

Do you know why your shoppers abandon their carts?

By Email Marketing

The abandoned cart email is one issue that is still painful for all eCommerce marketers, large and small. The problem is simple, you already have a shopper on your website, they are interested in a specific product (high purchase intent) which they add to the shopping cart and then – Poof! They disappear without making a purchase.


eCommerce Email Marketing Abandoned Cart

Sounds familiar right? Any online marketer knows that the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is one of the metrics that determines your company’s fate. The second most important metric that actually balances the CAC is the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). Since your goal is to keep a positive ROI, you must do everything in your power to track these potential shoppers and get them back. In order to maximize results and optimize conversion rates, you need to first understand why these potential shoppers abandoned their cart. Let’s analyze it and learn more.

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Email Marketing Next Generation Tools: Email Personalization +

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Here at Remarkety, we believe in taking eCommerce marketing to the next level. Our team has really honed in on what features would be useful to an e-commerce store and built them with you in mind. Time to welcome email marketing ‘Next Generation’ tools.

Today we are going to show you how to take your email personalization to the next level; because putting your customer’s first name in the subject of the email is not longer enough.

Are you ready? Next Generation Email Personalization is here.

Email Personalization+

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Abandoned Cart Email: The Full Story-Part 2

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing, How To Guides

Thank you for joining us for the second part of our Abandoned cart email story.

With up to 80% of all carts being left at the last minute eCommerce merchants are crying out for help to capture all that lost revenue. Thankfully Remarkety understands this problem and has created the ultimate cart abandonment tool to help combat the losses.

In the previous chapter we discussed the phenomenon of the abandoned cart and tips to reduce abandonment rates. In today’s chapter, we will be discussing the importance of email capture and showing your some rocking cart abandonment email examples. Are you ready? Here we go…


Abandoned Cart Emails Header Image
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Abandoned Cart Email: The Full Story-Part 1

By Email Marketing, How To Guides, Uncategorized

There are so many abandoned shopping carts. Not in the parking of your local supermarket, but online. As an eCommerce merchant seeing an abandoned cart is a certain trigger to panic. All that work to drive traffic to your store, and boom. Right at the last moment the sale is lost. Argh.

This is a two-part abandoned cart email series. In today’s post we are going to examine the World of Abandoned Cart Emails and how Remarkety can help you tackle the abandoned cart phenomenon.

Abandoned Cart Emails Header Image
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