To help marketers find their way, we’d like to share a short interview with Joel Presman, GM and co-founder of Remarkety, who — like most of us — has had to adapt to working from home. Read More
To help marketers find their way, we’d like to share a short interview with Joel Presman, GM and co-founder of Remarkety, who — like most of us — has had to adapt to working from home. Read More
The situation created by the coronavirus is not like any we’ve seen before. We’re all dealing with a time of great uncertainty, anxiety, and the stress that ensues from loss of comfortingly familiar outlets and routines.
While quarantines and enforced social distancing practices are closing down retail establishments, there is an inevitable uptick in eCommerce activity. The situation does create a unique window of opportunity for connecting with customers, but it can backfire if you go about it wrong. Read More
Today’s tutorial is not about the usual design tips, or the popup integration, but about a less known subject in email marketing called email segmentation. It’s time to make a case for email segmentation.
How do you effectively communicate with your audience to make sales and grow your business?
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Marketing brings in customers in a kind of inverted pyramid. A large number will be attracted to your site. A smaller number will click through pages. A smaller number than that will actually select items. But only a small percentage of your site visitors — down to single digits in most cases — will convert through to purchase. Read More
As an e-commerce business, you have to find ways to connect with your customers throughout the year. Even if things have fallen into hibernation mode over the winter, you can revitalize your relationship now. Spring is the perfect time to stir up warm feelings in your customer. Read More