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Email Marketing

Online Shopping Trends Reveal Best Days and Times to Email Customers

By eCommerce Case Studies, Email Marketing

We just finished a comprehensive study on the best days and times to email customers based on purchase rate. In other words, we looked at the online shopping trends of hundreds of thousands of shoppers to determine the best time your eCommerce shop should be communicating with customers.

Best Days and Times to Email Customers Infographic

Now, you might be thinking,there are already hundreds of articles about the best days and times to email customers. And these studies present you with the exact days and times for sending successful email campaigns.

There’s a problem with these studies. Read More

Automated Email Campaigns Ron Popeil Set it and Forget it

Set It and Forget It – Four Automated Email Campaigns You Should Be Running

By Email Marketing

This genius slogan was once created for a genius product, the Ronco Rotisserie Oven. The chant “Set it and forget it!” reverberated through the studio audience with a little help from Ronco inventor Ron Popeil.

Automated Email Campaigns Ron Popeil Set it and Forget it

This whole “set it and forget it” chant is also perfectly applicable to the eCommerce world. More specifically, automated emails. Now I know what you’re thinking to yourself.

How could I ever compare to Ron Popeil?

And the answer is, you can’t. With those pale blue eyes, winning smile and mind for invention, there’s really no comparison.

We can’t all be Popeils. But we CAN take a page from his book and use four email marketing campaigns that live up to his mantra.  Read More

3 email marketing strategies to increase purchase frequency

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools an eCommerce business can use to generate revenue, build customer loyalty and increase purchase frequency. If your eCommerce shop’s email marketing campaigns are firing on all cylinders, they are leaving your customers wanting more. Remember the Lay advertisements?

increase purchase frequency blog post image

If your email campaigns were a Lays potato chip, would they want more than one? If so, let’s consider this the “Lay Effect,” but for most customers, the answer is probably no. This could be due to a few things like emailing for the sake of email. We’ve talked about why that isn’t good here and here. Read More

How to grow sales without coupons

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

We’ve touted coupons and other incentives as a great way to grow sales here and here. Coupons are extremely effective at coercing customers to finish checking out after abandoning their cart, pushing them to place new orders and winning them back after a period of no purchase.

How to grow sales without giving away coupons

Thing is, not all brands believe in coupons or discounts because they’re not trying to give away the farm. At first you might be thinking, who doesn’t believe in coupons or discounting products? (See JC Penny) And what does giving away the farm even mean?

Read More

These ‘how to’ videos will make you an email marketing expert

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Last year we asked you how we could make Remarkety better and you said newsletters. You’re welcome. Then a couple of months ago, you wanted ‘how to’ email marketing videos. How To eCommerce Email Marketing Videos Tutorials by RemarketyYou wanted to know the best types of conditions and segmentations for different types of email campaigns. You wanted to know how to be email marketing experts.

And you know what? We thought this was a pretty darn good idea. Read More

Remarkety now integrates with MailChimp

By Email Marketing, How To Guides, News

Remarkety eCommerce Integrates with MailchimpRemarkety is happy to announce an integration with MailChimp. This new integration means new subscribers to your MailChimp newsletter lists or unsubscribes are reflected in Remarkety and vice versa.

Go here to learn more.

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3 marketing strategies to increase purchase frequency 
The difference between email marketing vs. email Remarketing 
4 automated email campaigns you should be running


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    Use these new email reporting tools to boost sales

    By Email Marketing, News

    If you consider yourself a “numbers” person, we’ve got something for you. Our latest email reporting tools make it easier than ever to see how your email campaigns are performing.

    Numbers Brain Mind

    Imagine you’re a small or medium-sized eCommerce business owner or marketer. This probably isn’t too hard considering you are reading this blog post.

    Anyways, let’s get back to imagining that you are trying to understand how your email marketing campaigns are performing. What are the important metrics you should be tracking? Moreover, how can you ensure the tracking is authentic? Read More