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Email Marketing

Dealing with Unsubscribes: 5 Ways to Lower the Rate

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Unsubscribes are the worst possible outcome from an email campaign. Each opt-out dwindles your audience lower and lower, doubling your work on the customer acquisition front—now, not only do you have to keep bringing in new customers, you have to replace the ones you’ve lost as well. Needless to say, keeping unsubscribe numbers at a minimum is imperative.Dealing with Unsubscribes: 5 Ways to Lower the Number

Unfortunately, you can’t please everyone. It’s important to realize that while unsubscribes are a bad thing, they’re also inevitable. All you can work to do is minimize them. To that end, there are a number of things that can be done to keep them low with each successive email blast you send. Read More

3 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your eCommerce Email Marketing Solution

By Email Marketing

Frequent and consistent email marketing is the quickest, most direct way to reach your audience and they can be purposed for infinite reactions. Emails are a staple for businesses big and small, largest among them eCommerce websites.

three reasons to upgrade your email marketing

But an email is not a standard of marketing: it’s merely a medium. All emails are not created equal. To the point, sending general newsletters to eCommerce customers as a way to drive sales isn’t as effective as communicating through an eCommerce email marketing platform.

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Conquered Like a Pro

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Not so many years ago, Black Friday and Cyber Monday were the undisputed single-day sales leaders in the world of ecommerce. Over the past few years, however, revenue has dropped on these days, leaving opportunity for sales where once they were a guarantee.

black friday and cyber monday

This downward trend has opened the door for better ecommerce email marketing, giving savvy marketers a way to bolster their sales while the competition struggles. Sending out an email packed with discounts and coupons just doesn’t cut it anymore, though—to create the perception of true value on your ecommerce, you’ll need to take your Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails to a whole new level. Read More

Email Personalization – Let the Data Do the Work

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

The more you know about someone, the easier it is to talk to them. As you get to know someone’s likes and dislikes, habits and preferences, needs and wants, you can begin to provide them with answers, suggestions and solutions that are a best fit for them.  This is modern email personalization in a nutshell!  email personalization

Where the goal was once to create a deal or an offer so good it prompted people to buy, today’s email personalization is more about understanding people, to bring them what they want and need, versus just something that’s appealing. The way to do this is with data. By speaking directly to someone in a specific sense, you’re able to make a connection that more often than not results in a positive reaction—be it a click, sale or something else.

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5 Halloween 2016 Email Marketing Ideas and Tips

By Email Marketing, How To Guides
The 2016 holiday season is just around the corner and Halloween marks off as the starting point of the e-Commerce Q4 holiday shopping season. Although Halloween is not a traditional gift holiday like Christmas and Thanksgiving, the annual Halloween expenditure in the United States in 2015 was around 7 Billion Dollars.

Halloween 2016 email marketing examples

Here is a break down of the most popular items sold during Halloween:

Costumes – $2.53 Billion
Candy – $2.14 Billion
Decorations – $1.88 Billion
Greeting Cards – $0.33 Billion

But Halloween is not just a holiday for retailers selling the above items. As any retailer knows, ANY holiday is always a good excuse to re-engage with customers. This re-engagement means additional sales that would not have otherwise occurred. So with just a few simple steps, you can leverage Halloween to increase your revenue. Here are some tips on how to do it effectively. Read More

Browse Abandonment Best Practices

By Email Marketing, Uncategorized

A few months ago we have added the possibility to create Browse Abandonment campaigns and we are already seeing some exciting results.

browse abandonment emails

Over 30% of our customers have used this feature and a large percentage were able to convert browsers into shoppers. We made it super easy to send browse abandonment emails shortly after a customer leaves the website. Based on the aggregated data from clients, we have put together some tips and best practices for creating effective browse abandonment email campaigns. Read More

Email marketing automation 4th of july

How to Create Fireworks with Your 4th of July Email Strategy

By Email Marketing

Holidays are an opportune time to send promotional emails, but email marketers need to know how the Fourth of July tends to differ from other occasions from a sales perspective.

Email marketing automation 4th of july

While nearly four-fifths of winter holiday shoppers will start before Thanksgiving, according to Russell Research, email marketers are unlikely to reach July 4th shoppers too far in advance. In fact, 76% of revenue from emails came within a week of the holiday, with 32% coming in on July 4th itself, according to a study by Experian Marketing Services. Read More

6 mistakes stores make when emailing inactive customers

By Email Marketing

Your store has a wealth of data on your shoppers. You know what they like, how often they’re buying, and when they placed their last order. If you’re not using this information to target your shoppers, than what’s the point of tracking it at all?
Cute cat in a hat
Enter the inactive customer email. Sending wake up emails to inactive customers is one of the easiest way to reduce churn, increase revenue, and profitability. These types of emails are also known as re-activation, re-engagement or win back emails.

The whole point of emailing inactive customers is to get them to visit your website and buy again. However, in order for you store to do it right, you should avoid these six mistakes. Read More