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Email Marketing

3 Simple Steps to Build Brand Loyalty

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Brand loyalty is a tricky thing. Most companies think that all you need is a good product or service and you are golden! The world is your oyster! Wrong!

Ok, maybe that was the mindset 50 years ago. Fast forward to the present and you will see that loyalty isn’t as easy to obtain as it once was. The problem? The internet has increased competition and the consumer is price savvier than ever. So, as an eCommerce business what can do you do to build and preserve your brand loyalty?

Follow us for the answers…

3 Easy Ways to Build Brand Loyalty
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3 Types of Automatic Emails that Every Business Needs

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

If you know anything about email marketing you know that to craft a single email takes a long time, especially if you are trying to write a masterpiece!

It’s true, emails need to be precise and present all the information that you need to convey to the customer. Of course, creating personalized emails is time consuming, so how do you find the time to do it? How do you make sure that every customer gets all the information they need? Simple. You automate the process!

If you want to find out the three types of automatic emails that every business needs, then you had better read on.

Automatic Emails

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3 Easy Ways to Use Preference Centers to Retain Customers

By Email Marketing

I’m sure that you have heard that every aspect of email marketing is super important. But I bet you didn’t know that using Preference Centers can help you engage customers, reduce churn and most importantly, boost your sales!  

Most people only see preference centers when they are trying to unsubscribe from something right? What businesses don’t realize is that this stage is not goodbye forever. If used correctly it’s the perfect time to grab the customer’s attention with some unique content and to learn more about them.

If you want to find out the secret 3 ways to use preference centers to retain customers, then read on.

preference centers Read More

5 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Post-Purchase Emails

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

When we talk about email strategies we often think of the kinds of emails that the customer need to be opted in for. You know, the weekly updates we send out, the sales emails, the product recommendations, but many fail to engage customers post-purchase. Big mistake. 

This week we wanted to focus on a specific type of email that is very important to any eCommerce business and is very often forgotten about. And that is post-purchase emails.

Post-Purchase email marketing campaigns

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Combine Your Chatbot and Email Marketing Strategy for eCommerce Success

By Email Marketing

Almost every article about Chatbot technology heralds the end of email marketing. Why is that? AI experts are convinced that communicating to your customer through chat is a better way to go than email, and that email is dead.

But marketers are smarter than that. We know that new technology has a ton of value, but email is far from extinct. In fact, combining these two marketing and communication channels prove powerful. They together will boost sales and increase conversions. In this article we are going to discuss Chatbots, their eCommerce value and finally how can they be integrated into your email marketing strategy. 

chatbot email marketing

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The Methodology of Inactive Customers – eCommerce Email Marketing

By Email Marketing, How To Guides

Oh the joys of eCommerce. You fight to gain your new consumers, get them to your website only to lose them after purchase or two. We all hate inactive customers. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to reduce your customer churn and build a bank of loyal customers that stick with your brand?

Have your customers broken up with you? How are your efforts at winning them back going? Is it even possible to win back inactive customers? If you are asking yourself any of these questions then you need to read on. Understanding the methodology of inactive customers will help you put together a killer eCommerce email marketing campaign. 

eCommerce Email Marketing Read More

Increase Conversions Using Dynamic Data-Driven Product Recommendations

By Email Marketing, How To Guides, Uncategorized

Product recommendations are a critical element in almost any  email marketing campaign, and has been a core feature in Remarkety since our launch in 2012. As an industry leader in email marketing, the Remarkety team has continuously updated all features along with technological advances.

In this article, we are going to dive into the world of product recommendations in email marketing and how you can utilize this powerful tool to increase your overall sales, conversion rates and revenue. What’s more, we are going to show you how Remarkety has taken product recommendations to the next level.

product recommendation in emails to increase sales

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3 Secret Strategies to Hack Email Segmentation

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing, How To Guides
You have a big email list, full of excited subscribers, and you send them great content every week, but see a very low conversion rate… What do you do? How come no one is buying your product? Let me tell you a secret, its because you are not using email segmentation!

Even though your email list is big, it is not efficient. You are emailing everyone on the list without caring for their age, geography, interests, or purchase history. If you use a segment of your list and target specific audiences then you will be able to cater your content to that audience and vastly increase your sales.

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