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eCommerce Trends

Cross Marketing Channels for eCommerce

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing, Uncategorized

Email marketing is still the most popular and potent channel you can use for your e-commerce business. It’s like a powerful river that flows all the profits into your abundant ocean. But what about the tributaries? There must be a bunch of different little streams that contribute to creating this powerful river of goodness.

A singular marketing stream will only grow your business if it meets other streams and flows into a river and then on to the ocean. Using cross marketing channels will empower your marketing efforts and bring your business to another level.

Want to include cross marketing channels to your eCommerce marketing strategy? Read on

Cross Marketing Channels for eCommerce

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3 Secret Strategies to Hack Email Segmentation

By eCommerce Trends, Email Marketing, How To Guides
You have a big email list, full of excited subscribers, and you send them great content every week, but see a very low conversion rate… What do you do? How come no one is buying your product? Let me tell you a secret, its because you are not using email segmentation!

Even though your email list is big, it is not efficient. You are emailing everyone on the list without caring for their age, geography, interests, or purchase history. If you use a segment of your list and target specific audiences then you will be able to cater your content to that audience and vastly increase your sales.

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Global eCommerce Sales, Trends and Statistics 2016

By eCommerce Trends

Global eCommerce and online retail sales have grown dramatically over the past decade, and the good news for eCommerce businesses is that there doesn’t look like there will be a slowdown anytime soon.

Remarkety works with eCommerce businesses and marketing agencies around the world and has witnessed firsthand the global changes within the industry. Understanding the global eCommerce market will help you implement the right marketing strategies for your business.

We are very excited to present the annual Global eCommerce Sales, Trends and Statistics for 2016.  You can check out last years’, 2015 report here or read on to see the 2016 report.

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