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Announcing: Improved suppression management

By January 18, 2018How To Guides, News, Product

We are excited to share some awesome improvements we’ve made to the way that email suppressions are handled and shown within the Remarkety app. The important question of whether a contact will actually be sent emails depends on several factors:

  • The contact’s marketing preferences
  • Whether they unsubscribed or not
  • Whether they marked your emails as spam
  • Whether their email address has bounced
  • Whether their domain is valid

In our previous interface, all this information was condensed into a single field – “Marketing Status”. This field did not provide enough clarity about why a contact ultimately receives or doesn’t receive emails. In addition, many cases which would cause a user to be removed from the mailing list (such as a hard bounce) were treated as an “Unsubscribe” event, and were difficult to investigate.

Starting today, you can have much more insight and control about this data. Let’s walk through all the changes.

“Unsubscribe Contacts” is now “Suppressions”

First off, since unsubscribing is not the only way to get someone off your mailing list, we’ve changed the name of the menu item to be “Suppressions”. In addition, to clean things up a bit, we’ve removed the “Upload Contacts” menu item from the left – uploading new contacts is now available from within the “Manage Contacts” page.

Managing Suppressions

Inside the Suppressions screen, you can see all the suppressions, and filter based on the reason (read here for a detailed breakdown):

From here, you can:

  • Filter and search the list for specific suppression reasons and emails
  • Download the entire suppression list
  • Manually suppress a single email, or upload an entire list
  • Remove suppressions, when applicable, and thus re-enable emails to be sent to that contact

Contact Management

In the “Manage Contacts” screen, you’ll see the familiar radio button which enables to quickly filter based on contacts which will receive or not receive email marketing. This factor depends on the contact’s marketing preferences flag, and on their suppression status – read here for more information.

Note that the table contains 2 columns which mean different things: “Accepts Marketing”, and “Marketing Allowed?”. The distinction is that “Accepts Marketing” is a preference which we probably received from your eCommerce platform, whereas “Marketing Allowed?” is the final decision as to whether we can send email to this person. Even if “Accepts Marketing” is set to “Yes”, the contact may be suppressed (due to unsubscribing, bouncing, and so on) and so “Marketing Allowed?” will actually be “No”. This is explained more in depth in the support article. In case of a suppression, the reason will be displayed clearly in the “Marketing allowed?” column:

Contact Details Page

We’ve also clarified the suppression status inside the contact page, which you can get to by clicking on a contact’s email from the table in Manage Contacts, or via any of the campaign reports. If the contact is suppressed, this will clearly be displayed in the contact details. By clicking on the suppression badge, you can navigate to the suppressions page and remove it.

In addition, the contact’s timeline will detail the suppression event. If a customer later resubscribes or the suppression is removed for another reason, this will also be shown on the timeline.

That about wraps it up – kudos for making it this far! We’ve made all of these changes to provide you, the marketer, with much more clarity and insight into the reasons that your contacts may not be receiving emails. These changes were made based on user feedback and participation – we’d love to know how we can improve this (and other features), so please feel free to comment or send an email to . Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these changes!