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5 Ways to Improve Email Marketing for Your Vapor Shop

By January 9, 2017August 30th, 2018Email Marketing, How To Guides

Marketing can be a tricky prospect for an eCommerce vape shop. Google AdWords actively blocks vaping and vape-related terms (classified as tobacco products), social media marketing tends to do the same, and general PPC ads through other banner ad services tend to come with staggering costs and very little return on investment.vape shop

For the vape shop, the smart marketing money is in your email capabilities. Being able to generate sales and elicit traffic through a direct medium like email means spending significantly less money to generate more revenue. Take a look at 5 actions you could be doing to leverage your email marketing to its fullest and how Remarkety can help:

  • Send purposeful emails:

Everyone is looking for a deal, but not everyone is going to be interested in the same deal. Remarkety’s customer behavior segmentation is an important feature to help you send the right messages to the right customers. If you’re having a sale on menthol e-liquid flavors, for example, it pays to target customers who have a trend of purchasing menthol flavors. On top of this, use customer data to recommend applicable products for a one-two punch that makes your emails appeal with purpose.

  • Personalize coupons:

Sending out an email with a coupon offer in it means walking a fine line between generating (good) sales and manufacturing (bad) them. Personalizing coupons allows you to send the best deal to customers based on their habits, to ensure you’re not crossing the line between a good conversion and a bad one. Moreover, this enables better redemption tracking and prevents coupon abuse. Remarkety’s coupon integration with Magento makes this process quick and effective.


  • Design with intent:

Remarkety’s drag-and-drop email editor is simple to use, giving you more control over how your emails are crafted. This enables you to design with better intent based on the message you’re sending and your CTA. Leverage appealing images, inspiring descriptions, buttons and more to create an email that’s alluring, easily navigable and responsive in its design. Moreover, dynamic personal tags allow you to speak to every individual personally, without any extra work!product recommendations

  • Set up triggers:

The more you can automate in your email workflow, the more productive you’ll be and the more effective your campaigns will become. Remarkety’s powerful automation capabilities also make it possible to funnel your customers to their most ideal segmentation, for future marketing effectiveness. Set up triggers for new customers, customer anniversaries, birthdays, dollars spent and more, to show your customers you’re paying attention to them.Recommended For You

  • A/B testing:

The only way to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to email is to test, measure and re-test. A/B testing through Remarkety allows you to test everything from subject lines to email layouts to see what your customers respond to and what they’re not fans of. Use the information from your split campaign to help create a new campaign and continue your improvement as you watch your CTR rise!

Email is an invaluable resource for your vape shop to leverage—make sure you’re planning, executing, organizing and automating your ecommerce’s email properly. Remarkety is here to help, to help improve your vapor shop’s email marketing potential

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